Monday, December 30, 2024

Swapping Sides

The image as recorded by the single sensor

Larry Wolf, Brain at Build Cafe (2023)

... with the right and left sides swapped

Larry Wolf, Swapped Brain at Build Coffee (2024)

Moving forward from the fresh insight that the camera, with a single sensor, is not like the old stereograph cameras with a separate frame for each lens. Enter the editor (me) to swap the two halves, effectively treating them as distinct frames.

Look at these with a stereoscope (Colleen Woolpert (navigate to Twinscope Stereograph Projects), London Stereoscopic Company). 

Larry Wolf, Self Portrait with Stereoscope (2024)

The first image doesn't want to align. The second does, it's what I experienced at the patio of Build Coffee, where I'm close to the wall on my left, filling more of the frame.

Like our brains, split down the middle, our two eyes with separate optic nerves feeding the visual brain which combines the seeing into one world with depth perception, this second image recreates the depth of the scene. 

Finally this is making sense.

The Stairs - Redux 

for your viewing pleasure 

Larry Wolf, Stairs (swapped) (2024)

(finishing the story from the other day).

Some Archives with Digitized Stereographs

Library of Congress -  Digital Collections - Stereograph Cards 

Eastman Museum - Classifications: Stereograph - Image Available

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