Monday, January 23, 2023

Untitled x 2

Larry Wolf (2023)
[at Wrightwood 659]

Larry Wolf (2023)
[at Wrightwood 659]

Friday, January 13, 2023

Radiant Bones

Larry Wolf, Bone Scan (2023)

Excreted tracer is present in the urinary bladder.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Crucible of Attention - a mindful viewing group

This will be offered through Latitude starting February 5, 2023

A crucible is a container of energy within which substances can be transformed. We bring our attention, our awareness, into this group with a commitment to be present for each other, to allow for the possibility of change in how we perceive art and, for those who are artists, how we make our art. 

What happens as you spend time with a work of art? When you discuss that art with a trusted circle of other people? 

Participants in this workshop will: 

  • Meet every other week to discuss an image of their choice. This image can be a part of a personal project, an image they have encountered in a book, or one from social media.
  • Learn to talk about their own artworks and respond to the work of others.
  • Get feedback from peers.
  • Be provided readings to expand on ideas brought to the workshop by the instructor and peers. 

This is an experiential, participatory program. It builds on approaches of slow looking and appreciative inquiry. We’ll begin each session by establishing our container, welcoming each other, and then take a few minutes to further settle, to be present to our minds and our bodies. There will be a short teaching segment about looking at art and how we interpret it. Each of us will bring art, whether created by us or by others. During each session, we will spend fifteen minutes with each artwork.

We each offer the gift of our attention. From this place of not-knowing and discovering, surprises of all kinds may arise.

This class will be meeting on Zoom on February 5th, February 19th, March 5th, and March 19th from 2:00pm-5:00pm!

Space is limited to 10 participants total so grab your spot!

Questions? Contact us at

Register at Latitude

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Across the Caldera

Larry Wolf, Across the Caldera (2000/2022)